Pokemon Black & White, from Touko’s costume here, with references Media: Knitting Patterns used: My tutorial for you here (and on DeviantArt) Results: These were generally fast to make, fast enough to make 2 sets. The topmost pair was the first iteration, and the bottom-most was the latest iteration. Given howContinue Reading

I was delighted to see a new news article on DeviantArt that was relevant to my interests, shown here about how cosplay can translate into identities, virtual or otherwise. The author poses questions for cosplayers, and I figured to answer it here. The questions were taken from the  article, so pleaseContinue Reading

I got asked by one of my lovely friends on tips on how to get started on cosplaying. Since comments on DeviantArt, nor notes on Tumblr aren’t searchable yet, and I have lost lots of good conversations on comments because I couldn’t remember which deviation did we have the conversationContinue Reading

Using embroidery floss for doll hair gives your plushie a very natural, realistic feel to it. This is especially great if you can combine colors.

Here’s a tutorial on how to use embroidery floss (and yarns) and how to attach it. Continue Reading