Found a perfect piece at the thrift store but it isn’t quite the right color? Try dying it! Remember you can turn lighter colors to a darker color. If it’s made of natural stuff like cotton, go check out some Rit Dye. If it has some man-made material like polyester,Continue Reading What do you think? Do you think the artists should adapt to a new audience and new marketing? Should there be more “comic” or “cosplay”-centric conventions? (or something else..?)  We debated about the issue @ Tsubasacon, and the attendees were generally in the adapting camp.  Wwarning: The title seems tooContinue Reading

In general, front-loading washers are much gentler on clothing than the top-loaders. The agitators in the top-loaders can stress your clothes. In contrast, the top-loading washing machines are better in dyeing fabric than front loaders. The agitator in water allows the dye to mix into the fabric evenly. Source: MyContinue Reading

Want to make white shirts whiter? Dump ¼ cup of baking soda in a wash in addition to your detergent. Also, use one of the best brighteners around: the sun. In a sunny day, go hang your white clothing. ‪Continue Reading

I’m a co-host for Intenational Cosplay Day at Virginia Tech this Sunday, and given all the games, food, costume contest, workshops and fun we’ll have, if you’re interested, RSVP here: I’m the costume craftsmanship judge, so I look forward to seeing you all!Continue Reading

Bigger version here References: Stitch n Bitch by Debbie Stoller, book found here: . This book really helped me get started with knitting, and even has their own wristband pattern and tutorial that helped guide this knitting guide. Results: Touko’s Knitted Wristbands used in Pokemon Rivals © Touko/White from Pokemon/Nintendo/Game FreakContinue Reading

Get that perfect pokeball shape for any occasion, whether it’s on hats of the main protagonists of Pokemon Black/White or other Pokemon series, or you want the symbol on t-shirts, purses, etc. This stencil & tutorial lets you get a close-to-perfect outline of a pokeball. Results Hat on Touko from Pokemon BlackContinue Reading

I got asked by one of my lovely friends on tips on how to get started on cosplaying. Since comments on DeviantArt, nor notes on Tumblr aren’t searchable yet, and I have lost lots of good conversations on comments because I couldn’t remember which deviation did we have the conversationContinue Reading

Using embroidery floss for doll hair gives your plushie a very natural, realistic feel to it. This is especially great if you can combine colors.

Here’s a tutorial on how to use embroidery floss (and yarns) and how to attach it. Continue Reading